Next50 Environmental Graphics

Next50 is a mobile, outdoor installation that aims to educate and spark actionable ideas on what can be done by individuals to improve the future of our shared environment in the state of Utah. The installation features twelve panels aligned in a spiral shape to create an imposing and impactful experience. (Collaborated with Alyssa Free & Brenden Grey, credit to Grey Larson for the renderings.)


The exhibit is designed to provide an eye-opening and enlightening experience that will mimic the sense of urgency that our current environmental situation merits.


The exhibit is designed to provide an eye-opening and enlightening experience that will mimic the sense of urgency that our current environmental situation merits.


The panels increase in height as the viewer walks through the maze-like route, ending at panel twelve which stands at an overwhelming 8 ft tall. The base color of the panels also gets progressively darker to add to the sense of entrapment and panic.


The brand was explored and expanded out to include various methods that we could utilize to help spread the word about the exhibit and get as many eyes on it as possible.